Work/Life Balanace
How to Create Work/Life Balance
So you get more done, but without getting busier or burnt out
Whether we’re based in the office or working from home, most of us already know, that in order to achieve the important things whilst safeguarding our wellbeing, we need to; break our goals into smaller chunks, say “NO” more often and commit to doing the less desirable things first (hence the mantra: Eat That Frog).
But for all that we know about productivity, time management and work-life balance, the lines between work and home are increasingly blurred, the temptation to avoid checking emails at 10pm is harder to ignore and becoming a productivity ninja is well out of reach for the vast majority of people.
This keynote talk is for busy people who want to make the most of their time and get more done, but without sacrificing their health or relationships.
You will learn, how to:
Tackle procrastination, by understanding it: the many common causes, your relationship with procrastination and how to unravel it.
Eliminate the most common time drains, so you can make the most of the time available to you, without beating yourself up.
Create a compelling time system which works with your personality and which helps you to master the art of time management.
Master your boundaries, so you know how to set them and how to adhere to them.
Make wise decisions about your priorities, so you can focus on the important things when it's all kicking off and you're productive on the quieter days (when they occasionally occur).
Set and implement truly inspiring goals using an E.P.I.C. goal setting process.
Delegate effectively, so you develop a forward-thinking team who can take the initiative when you need them to. We’ll explore the 6 most common errors leaders make when they delegate, and the 6 things to master, in order to delegate like a pro.