06 Nigel Vardy: Men, Frostbite and Adventures!
Frostbite in Alaska
Appendicitis in Greenland
Near Drowning in Borneo
Rope Failure in the Kumbu
Reported missing in Annapurna
Would you go climbing with this man..???
Some people call him brave, some call him mad. To face the thin air at high altitude takes a bit of both, but to Nigel Vardy, there is nothing like being on a high mountain. Losing limbs to severe frostbite would put off all but the few, but to Nigel it was the springboard to climb, achieve and conquer.
Over the past 30 years he has climbed across the world, set mountaineering records and spoken to schools and businesses across Europe. He continues on life's adventure, forcing new boundaries and new experiences every day of his life...
As Nigel says - "I don't want to die in an unused body…”
As for links - www.nigelvardy.com or type my name into the web.
Key points of the episode:
How simple and cheap thing from his childhood inspired him.
How one moment in childhood shaped a belief that we do not experience the reality of life enough!
A terrible mountain accident - do not underestimate frostbite!
How he had to relearn simple things, like walking - to get back to his life of adventure.
How the 9-5 will never come calling!
How he was inspired b an American doctor (that looked like Santa Claus!)
His thoughts on the influences on men today.
His inspiring message for life.
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