42 Duncan Craig OBE: Men, r*pe and violence against men and boys

Duncan is is the Founder and CEO of Survivors Manchester. Survivors Manchester is a survivor focused voluntary sector organisation that aims to create and facilitate safe spaces for male survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation across Greater Manchester providing access to quality assured support.

Their work is focused on developing ways for individuals to empower themselves to work through personal and sometimes painful issues, guided and supported by their trauma-informed team, following the trauma and recovery model.

In this episode we discuss how the charity started, Duncan’s role in it, the different projects they work on and why he was inspired to found the charity through his own story of surviving sexual abuse.

Duncan is a gay man and was sexually abused as a child and later sexually exploited as an older teenager and young adult by a male perpetrator.

It took him a long time to realise that what he went through was actually sexual abuse and we discuss the impact that it did or didn’t have on his sexuality and how that can be a common issue among victim-survivors.

Key points of this episode:

  • How his Grandad was his greatest inspiration, friend and muse.

  • The importance of kindness and its relationship to mental health.

  • His time in the performing arts.

  • The life changing events, and his perception of same.

  • How it was like 2 lives - the light and the dark.

  • "As he grew up, the abuse grew up"

  • How much therapy helped and how the floodgates finally opened.

  • How his journey to becoming a therapist helped.

  • The creation of "We are Survivors"

  • Given the size of his home - Manchester - how he could not believe the lack of support there.....

  • .....and what he did.

  • His journey of healing.

  • How the organisation has expanded, and the reach of its work today.

  • The odd objections he gets from a minority.

  • How the data on these subjects can be convoluted and poorly curated.

Reach out at www.wearesurvivors.org.uk


43 Daniele Fiandaca: Men, Allyship and DEI


41 Richard Loftus: Men, Crisis and Peace Through Running