21 Duncan Bhaskaran Brown: Men, Alcohol and Sobriety

Key Points of this Episode:

  • His somewhat humourous take on our education system.

  • His early inspirations

  • The key to good writing (not what his teachers thought)

  • How he hid his addictions (or tried to)

  • The mixed messages we have around alcohol

  • The actual nuances of the problem

  • How stopping alcohol has helped him as a man

  • How the revenue from the alcohol industry is nothing compared to the lost productivity.

  • How alcohol is perceived primarily as a female problem, but it really is not!

  • What men need to address with this issue.

  • A key inspiring message.

Reach out to Duncan at www.getover.uk

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22 Rob Hosking: Men Policing and PTSD


20 Jon Salmon: Men, Crisis and Recovery